Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions - Financial Aid
Q. Why am I considered a dependent student, I'm 21 years old and haven't lived with my parents for years?
Federal regulations set the parameters for dependency status. Click here to view eligiblity requirements.
Q. What kinds of information do I need to fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)?
The FAFSA is the document you must complete to be considered for financial aid at 十大彩票平台. You will need information from your Federal Income Tax Transcript and W2's, asset information (amount of cash, savings, checking and investments) and other untaxed income you may receive. If you are a dependent student your parent will also need to supply the same information mentioned above. Click here to see more information on applying for financial aid.
Q. What is verification?
Verification is a process where a 十大彩票平台 Student Financial Services staff members will compare information you provided on your FAFSA with information on tax and income documents. The Federal Department of Education randomly selects students for verification. If you are selected for verification, you will be asked to bring in copies of tax and income documents.
Q. What is "Satisfactory Academic Progress"? How does it affect my financial aid?
To be eligible for financial aid, Federal and Massachusetts authorities and official 十大彩票平台 policy require students to be making Satisfactory Academic Progress. Each semester Student Financial Services monitors students' GPA, and also reviews the success of financial aid students in earning credits toward their degrees and certificates. To learn more about Satisfactory Academic Progress, please click here.
Q. What happens to my financial aid if I drop out during the semester?
Financial aid is pro-rated for the semester, meaning that aid is earned at a certain rate and not completely provided at the very beginning of the semester. After the 60 percent point in the semester, all financial aid is considered earned. Generally, earned aid is subtracted from your bill for tuition, fees, and books. If earned aid is less than your bill, you will have to pay the balance. For more information on withdraws & refund policies, click here.
Q. How is my bill for tuition and fees paid?
If you've received a financial aid award, your tuition and fees are deducted from it. Any excess funds-after any allowable charges for books and supplies-come to you as a refund later in the semester. If your bill isn't covered completely by financial aid, you will need to make arrangements at the beginning of the semester to pay the balance of the bill. For more information on other payment arrangments please click here.
Other Frequently Ask Questions
Q. What is a service fee?
A service fee is a charge that is assessed for the ability and ease of using particular payment method.
Q.Why am I being charged a service fee?
In order to keep costs as low as possible and continue to offer credit card payments as an option to students, a services fee is charged for credit/debit card transactions.
Q. What is the cost to attend Springfield Technical Community College?
Please see our Tuition & Fees Information page. Students may be eligible for Federal Aid, State Grants, scholarships, and loans. For further information on federal aid click here.
Q. Will 十大彩票平台 send me a bill?
Student Financial Services does not send paper invoices in the mail. All students are expected to view their bill online via 十大彩票平台Net (The Campuswide Portal). An email will be sent to student's 十大彩票平台 e-mail accounts on a regular basis, as a reminder to view their bill on 十大彩票平台Net (The Campuswide Portal). Go to Billing Information for more information.
Q. Does Springfield Technical Community College offer a monthly payment plan?
A monthly payment plan is available for the fall, spring and summer semesters; please refer to the 十大彩票平台 Acceptable Payment Arrangements for more information.
Q. Where and how can I pay my bill and what methods of payment do you accept?
Detailed information about bill payment can be found on the Billing Information page.
Q. What age must one be to be considered a senior citizen?
To qualify for the senior waiver you need to be a Massachusetts resident over the age of 60 before the start of classes. Click to see more information on Senior Citizen Tuition and Fee Exemption/Waiver Program.
Q. If I moved whom should I notify of my address change?
You need to notify the Registrar's Office in writing, via email at or in person.
Q. What is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)?
In accordance with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (Section 438 of the General Education Provision Act, 20 USC 1232G), commonly referred to as the "Buckley Amendment," Springfield Technical Community College has adopted the regulations below to protect the privacy rights of its students. Revisions and clarifications will be published as experience with the law and the institution's policy warrants.
A student's bill can only be discussed with students only. Parents are welcome to come to Springfield Technical Community College with their son/daughter to discuss his/her bill.
Students may also fill out a Release of Information form with the Registrar s Office. This will give the student the option to allow 十大彩票平台 to speak with anyone the student authorizes. For further information, Please contact the Registrar s Office of (413) 755-4321.
Q. I received my bill but my company will be paying for my educational expenses. What do I need to do?
You need to bring in a letter from your employer with the following information on it: Student's name, semester company will be paying for, specific dollar amount the company is paying for, and company contact information. Letters must be on company letterhead and not include any restrictions, i.e. that the company will only pay if the student receives a C or better.
Q. I have withdrawn from/dropped classes. What refund do I qualify for?
Information regarding refunds can be found on our Refund Policy page.
Q. I paid for my classes in full but withdrew in time to receive a full/partial refund. When will I be refunded?
Refunds will be mailed each semester approximately 6 weeks after the first day of classes.
Q. I don't need the student health insurance being offered. What should I do?
If a student has comparable coverage and wishes to waive participation in the Massachusetts Community College insurance plan, the student must complete a waiver form showing comparable coverage. Please note that coverage from carriers outside of the United States is not considered comparable coverage. For further information on the student health insurance you can go to web page
To waive your health insurance charge log onto 十大彩票平台Net (The Campuswide Portal).
Q. What is the American Opportunity Credit & the Lifetime Learning tax credit?
Under the Federal Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, taxpayers may be able to take advantage of the American Opportunity Credit and/or the Lifetime Learning Credit on their Federal Income tax return. The program has been designed by Congress to offer tax credits for qualified tuition and fee payments. Additional information can be found on or by calling 1-800-4FED-AID. The IRS also provides information in IRS Publication 970 - Tax Benefits for Education and on the IRS information telephone line 1-800-829-1040.
Springfield Technical Community College is required by law to furnish every student, with billable credits, with a 1098T form by January 31 of each year.
Please note - Springfield Technical Community College cannot advise you on any tax matters. You will need to contact the Internal Revenue Service or your tax consultant.
Q. I have not received my 1098T form and need a copy. How can I get one?
You can view and print a copy of your 1098T on 十大彩票平台Net (The Campuswide Portal).
Q. What will happen if I still have an outstanding balance at the end of the semester?
Any student that carries a balance greater than $500 will have a hold placed on their account. This hold will prevent students from registering from future courses at 十大彩票平台. Any student that carries a balance greater than $50.00 will result in your account being turned over to an approved collection company and the Commonwealth Intercept Program, and you will be responsible for all collection costs and other fees incurred in the collection of the debt.